Doctor Appointment

Make a Doctor's Appointment Via the Website

Firstly go to the GVA Health website, by clicking here


Change language to castellano (top right)

Click on the first button, top left -  Cita Previa

Health website - opening screen

Next screen type in your SIP number in the box entitled numero SIP and your date of birth in the next three boxes, (no need for a zero in front of single figures)

Click on the dark green button at the bottom of the page VALIDAR


The next screen will show your SIP Card Number, your full name and your health centre.

If you want to make a new appointment click on PEDIR CITA

If you want to check, change or cancel an appointment click on Citas Pendientes.


Next screen for making an appointment, look at C Servicios Disponibles.

The first one PRESENCIAL is a personal appointment with the doctor you are registered with, click this choice if you want a face to face appointment.

TELEFONICA is a telephone consultation with the doctor you are registered with. Click this choice if you want this option.

Then after you have chosen the service you require, press the dark green button at the bottom of the page SELECCIONAR SERVICIO.



The next screen shows your information and the choice you have made. You then have to fill in the date and hours between which you would like your appointment. Here if it is a single figure you have to add a zero in front eg 9am should be shown as 09:00. Then click the dark green button at the bottom of the page PEDIR CITA.


The next screen will give you three choices of appointments. Click on your choice and then click on the first dark green button with an arrowhead.


The next screen will show you the confirmation of your doctor´s appointment and click on the first dark green button to confirm or the second button to cancel which takes you back to the screen where you chose your appointment.


Campoverde Citizens Matter is a multi national group of residents living in Pinar de Campoverde.
The content of this website is, we believe, factual and up to date, but we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions,
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